It’s Passion for Power weekend (don’t worry no politicians were involved) at Tatton Park… so back agai and it was… alright. Nothing special. A rag tag of cars but nothingmuch else of interest, you got the usual stalls and food and there was a tent with a band, but I was expecting someting extra. Perhaps I was expecting twhat they used to have a Cholmondeley Castle when they use to host the Pageant of Power, now that was impressive. I expect it was similar to the Goodwood Revival. I think there was a Hill climb, but there was definately a track of some sort where card would drive one by one to “show off”. I only went once and that once was the last year the Vulcan was flying so they also has a fly-over of that as well.
Don’t get me wrong, the cars were interesting, there were cars that i had forgotten about that made me smile and then things like this GT40 that I don’t think I have ever seen in the flesh before. Then there was the Vauxhall VX8 which I was sure was a Holden until I got closer and saw the badge. I have just checked and I believe it actually is a Holden just with a Vauxhall badge on it. So it was still quite interesting. Of course I couldn’t leave without giving the Caterham ownder group a pass by, you never know I might just buy another one some day… when I have my second mid-life crisis.