Brd Box at South Walney Nature Reserve

We have been so busy this weekend, there has been no time for taking pictures, so this is all the way back in June when we visited Barrow-in-Furnace and on the last day we went to South Walney Nature Reserve where they had a few bird boxes on the outside of the hut at the start of the reserve. They were busy boxes so this really isn’t much of a right place at the right time moment because you just had to wait and keep still and after a few minutes a bird would arrive from one direction or another to go in or come out of the bird box. It’s possible there’s a matter of luck in it, in that as on another day the boxes might not have been busy, but still, it was a sight to see.

The walk around the reserve was fun, especially if you like birds, and even better if you like seeing Piel Castle (for some strange reason I am fascinated with) and seals. Of course if you don’t like any of that them don’t bother. The island (which I have no idea what the name of it is) has a massive British Aerospace factory on the entrance, though it’s a boat yard and it also has an airfield on the north part of the island and further down is a housing estate which I find is strange for a nature reserve. Despite that, the neighbours seem to rub along quite well together.

Mind you I wish I’d have seen the airfield when we went. It would have been good to go for a visit.

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