Port entrance of La Rochelle

The weather has been a strange start to our holiday, not helped by the fact that we can’t get into the accomodation until 5pm and we have been here by 10am. I’m sure that doesn’t initially make sense, but it will do. So the weather was overcast and really really hot and then later in the day it got really sunny and even hotter, so with very few places to go and it being to hot to do anything with two suit cases, our options were few. In the end at 4pm we decided that parking the car where it would be for the night and retiring to a local bar was the best thing to do. We did our best to do a bit of sight seeing, hence this pic of the harbour entrance but without being able to change into non-Manchester attire it was a little hot for walking about. We made things a little worse by driving down the coast to a beach which was just even hotter. I’m sure we will count the cost in sun burn late… yes the sub cream was in our cases.

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