Mill Meece Pumping Station

Last weekend was a trip to all sorts of places, but initially Stafford Castle which was nice enough but initially the weather could have been better and I’m not 100% sure I was in the mood, so less the places fault and more mine.

On the way back we caught the end of some vintage show. It was a little hard to work out what the show was for, mainly because it was ending and a few of the exhibits had left or were leaving, but there were dwindling set of vintage cars as well as a dwindling set of vintage bikes and then a host of engines. And when I say engines, I don’t mean car engines, they seemed more like pumping engines, all plugging away all doing very little other than running and sometimes pumping water into a bucket. Anyway once you got past that there was the pump house which was at Mill Meece which used to pump water for Stafford from a bore hole, the engine was running as well for anyone who likes that sort of thing. I was definitely interesting. This is the managers office of the station.

Alightly off the subject, to my delight, I finally found some settings in NX Studio that work for me which means that I’m fine with the demise of Capture NX-D as I think I’m working better now with NS Studio – for those of you who don’t know they are Windows apps for dealing with Nikon RAW files.

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